Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mold Allergies and Food?

I have came across a message board post that suggested avoiding certain foods if you have an allergy to mold. One of them was yeast bread. My daughter has a mold allergy so I thought I would try to check into it. I have not found a lot of information yet. I did find the following list of foods supposedly to avoid.

foods made with yeast
sour cream
soy sauce
pickled or smoked meats and fish
dried fruits
raw vegetables and fruits

Has anyone else heard about this?


Unknown said...

This is interesting--I had not heard about it. Good find!

Speedbump Kitchen said...

Haven't heard about this, I'd ask a good allergist, I bet a phone call with your allergist's nurse would even answer this. If your kids are doing well, eating those things without major problems, don't go looking for trouble! You're already doing a lot and avoiding a lot for your kids! Nice work on your blog!

Modern Allergy Mom said...

Just a quick update - I did ask my allergist about this. She said there was no need to avoid food for a mold allergy if she was already tolerating it. Since she has had no other symptoms we will not be making any changes in her diet.