Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Food Allergy Week Challange

My son C. is allergic to wheat, egg, peas, banana, sesame, peanuts and tree nuts. We have rid our house of most of his allergens except for wheat, some eggs and the occasional banana. Wheat is clearly the hardest of his allergens to live without. I find myself making 2 pastas, sandwiches on different breads, and on occasion 2 different pizzas. It is more work, and I wonder if he realizes that we eat different foods.

So, since next week is Food Allergy Awareness Week and I have decided to mark it by planning all the meals to be free of all C.’s allergens. Now, the hardest part is going to be planning a week of meals at once. I truly am terrible about planning our meals ahead. I read about moms who plan their food for the week, shop and are all set. I have tried to do this, but it never seems to work out. On most days 4:00 rolls abound and I wander into the kitchen so see what I can throw together. It is a disaster.

I really hate the dinner hour. Getting dinner on the table with 3 kids under foot and fending off requests for last minute snacks is a huge challenge. Then, when we do get to the table, I am barraged with whining about how they do not want what I have prepared. This is followed by constant pleas, by me, for them sit still and eat. I also remind them that if they leave the table without finishing, then that must mean they are full and the kitchen is closed. They do not need to eat everything on their plate, but they can not ask for snacks if they did not eat their dinner.
Now enter into the equation that fact that 2 year old C. is VERY picky and not all that interested in food. He spends dinner time begging for “more milk.” Until he realizes that he is not getting it, and goes off to play with trains. I am lucky if he has eaten a few blueberries and a cherry tomato. I just look at my husband and wonder how do other people do it – what are we missing?

I know I have my work cut out for me, but I do not think it is too much to ask my family to sit down and eat one meal together. I think it would be good for us. Eating allergen free might give us all an appreciation for what those with foods allergies go through. In the meantime I would love to hear any meal time tips or tricks that work for you! I clearly need the help.


Anonymous said...

Hi Modern Allergy Mom,

My name is Nancy MacDonald, and I heard about your website from another site called I have a son who was diagnosed at 9 months of age with allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts, shellfish, wheat, barley, oat, apple and some others. I understand the challenges you are facing. Thankfully, my two other children do not suffer from food allegies but I found it difficult to eat different foods than my son as well, especially as he got older. I was able to develop some very good recipes that we all could enjoy. It was very important to me that he didn't feel as though he was always missing out. I actually love to cook, read cookbooks, watch cooking shows and experiment with recipes so it became a mission for me. I have started a cable television show in our local area called "You Won't Even Miss It". I am co-hosting the show with a Chef named Rick Tarantino. Aside from being an extremely talented and accomplished chef, Rick himself suffers from nut allergies and celiac disease. Together we create recipes that are always free of milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts and shellfish. We also feature many recipes without wheat or any gluten containing grains. If you think that our show or recipes might help you, you can see it on line anytime through our website at We can also try to have it aired on local cable in your town if you would like us to. Also, if you have any recipe requests, just contact me through our site and let us know what you need to avoid. I pray that someday a cure is found for food allergies but in the mean time, drawing awareness to it is so important. Thank you for what you are doing.

Modern Allergy Mom said...

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for your note. I checked out your site and watched a couple of videos on line. I think they are great! I always wondered if the Food Network would ever do any allergy free cookinf specials.

I love that you make wheat free versions if all your recipies. I would love to see more baked goods that are wheat ang egg free.

I am also trying to figure out something I can feed my kids in place of couscous. They are not huge rice fans, but they love couscous!