Sunday, June 22, 2008

One of Those Weeks

Have you ever had one of those weeks? I am sure you have. I just feel like I am going off the deep end! School is over and we have not been able to establish a new routine yet. I just found out that some good neigbors of ours are going to move. This is sad because we really like them and our kids play together all the time! The house is a mess and I have become completly disorganised.

I had to leave the house today. It is the 3rd beatiful day in a row we have been cooped up inside due another bout of strep throat. This weekend we missed a swim meet, dinner with friends last night and a day at the pool with another family we have not seen in over a year! It was going to be such a nice weekend. :(

I left the house and came to Panera. My 6 year old was hysterical and begged me not to go. She usually does not react that way and relishes a day with her dad. I just had to get some space. I have been here a while. Long enough to have coffee, work on a project I have been hired for, have some lunch and surf the net a bit. I am way behind on my blogs - have not read or written much for 2 weeks. I would rather stay longer, but the guilt is starting to set in. I really needed this break and it has been rather enjoyable. I think I will have to make this a regular thing.

Just talked to hubby - he wants to go do dinner since he has need home with the kids all day. Ha ah. Try it day after day! I am not really in the mood. Perhaps I will let him take the 2 older kids and I will stay home with the 2 year old.


Laurie said...

Enjoy reading your blog. Allergies aren't the worst thing our there. Could be a lot worse. But it is so so so hard to manage every single day. No breaks aloud. Hard on us and hard on the kids who also can't eat BK or McD's like their friends. Or Ben and Jerry's or..well you get my point. Harder still is that unless someone lives with the allergies and the lifestyle, they don't get it at all. Even family. That is sad and hard to deal with. Okay, that was my venting. Love your blog. Keep it going.

Modern Allergy Mom said...

Thanks for the note. I just helps to be able to vent and know that other people are dealing with the same things! Glad you like the blog - hope you find it helpful. :)